Labs Library: Volume Three
Welcome back to volume three of Labs Library, where our library continues to grow and we strive to keep you as the reader informed on the latest writing in the industry.
For this edition we have chosen three books that provide practical frameworks for action and everyday use, administering the team with a fresh insight into solving real life problems. We hope you find them useful, and keep your eyes peeled for future Labs reviews!

All Image Credit: Sutherland Labs
Form Design Patterns by Adam Silver
This book gives both a fundamental and practical guide to coding and designing forms for the web. Great for both experts and those who are new to the field, it provides an informative yet understandable step by step account of real world problems. The book continues to drive interest throughout as each chapter focuses on real world issues that form designers face, and offers a methodical solution for each. We loved that the book is centered around the fact that every user is different, but the end goal remains the same; inclusive design for all. Our design team refers back to this book again and again, and would recommend this book to anyone with an interest in the area, regardless of their background.
This book challenges readers to rid oneself of their preconceived ideas about what User Experience (UX) means, and how to think laterally. The book encourages the reader to look at their own practises and transform them in order to optimise their portfolio. What is most useful about this book are the multiple ‘call to action’ features which can be found at the end of every chapter, making it easy to refer back without having to reread the chapter. What we liked most about this book is, regardless of whether the reader is a designer or not, it highlights the importance of UX research for business success. From Researchers to Designers to Analysts, we really think this book is a must read for anyone looking to better understand UX.
In this continually evolving economy no business can afford to let themselves stagnate, however, knowing how to stay one step ahead is notoriously difficult. The aim of this book is to pinpoint those winning ideas that will resonate with your customers and keep you ahead of your competitors by focusing on customer centered innovation. The ‘Jobs Method’ provides a framework to look into customers behaviours to create alternative perspectives and provide insight into understanding what customers want, and why they want it – even if they aren’t sure themselves. The book argues that people purchase products and services for a reason, and businesses need to understand what drives these decisions. What the Labs team liked about this book is that it provides the foundational concepts needed to successfully implement the framework at hand, as well as providing a framework for action. A must read for anyone looking for a fresh insight into how to reimagine the customer journey.